Sunday, September 29, 2013

Bedroom Makeover

**WARNING: There are a LOT of pictures!!**

2 1/2 years ago, when Jordan and I said "I Do," we had an extremely hard time agreeing on bedding. We could agree, however, on a crimson comforter, and because of our copious amount of money in gift cards from Belk, these extra fancy throw pillows that cost more than we would ever again imagine to spend. 

For our entire marriage we have used these light oak chest of drawers from my nursery....

and this inherited dresser from one of Jordan's college roommates. (Please note we were already in the process of redoing our room when these pictures were taken.)

This picture was taken while in the process of prepping the room.

We decided we wanted a change from the formal bedding and light oak furniture. Being in an apartment, we can't paint the walls a new color, so we decided to look for new bedding and then paint our furniture. We found these shams that I fell in love with that just so happened to go with a quilt we were already using.

We originally were going for the sage-ish green seen in the sham, but this is what we got! I got really nervous when I first saw how bright it was but fell in love once everything was put together.

My sweet dad just happened to be in town when our project was in full force.

The bed made with the new shams. I took gold frames that had Bible verses in them, painted them white (50 cent "oops" paint), added some burlap that I already had as a matte, and hot glued initials (from the wreaths at our wedding) that I had painted the same white.

The chest of drawers after we added drawer pulls (something they had never had). Styling the chests was a work in progress when these shots were taken.

I painted a big piece of board that was inherited from my sister to put above Jordan's dresser.

I found the inspiration for this from Pinterest and am very pleased with how it turned out. I re-used a canvas I already had and paint I already had and added a bow out of ribbon Jordan's mom gave me.

I added this cute frame Jordan made/surprised me with on Friday to my chest of drawers.

I found this mirror (and cross that I used in a different room) at a yard sale this weekend for $4. It is black in this picture and in need of paint, so I spray painted it brown for less than $4. 

My chest of drawers with the new mirror and Jordan's super cute frame.

I'm pretty pleased with how it's coming together. Like anything with me, it will remain a work in progress. I change things all of the time!

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