Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 1

In an attempt to be more content with the abundance that I have, I am working on "shopping my closet" and coming up with fun outfits using what I already have. I have a feeling this will lead to me being depressed with how old some of my clothes are or being excited and thankful I still fit into my clothes from high school. I'm 24. I think I'll focus on that!

So, I'm going to start posting pictures on here of what I wear each day, not so much for style inspiration for others but more to document and keep myself encouraged. I can do this!!

(Please excuse the real cute selfies-in-the-mirror and the random stuff you may see in the background. I'm not 18 anymore, I know; I just don't have anyone to take a picture this early in the morning.)

Cardigan: Gap, Fall 2010
Blouse: Banana Republic, Summer, 2007
Jeans: Old Navy, Summer 2012
Boots: Jessica Simpson, Fall 2006
Necklace: Stella & Dot